Oh, can disco music in women's voices already a lot. Will this present time also finally saw a danceable track duty ...
Haha, but there is again the phenomenon: I hear for a while a super long remix of my knocks down properly. The original, however, is quite spectacular. I mean, first Kovak with her song Electric City Lights. Listen to the original on their myspace. It's okay.
But I think, secondly, Billion Dollar DJs who bring out incredibly far from the song that you wiggle the butt MUST!
Kovak - Electric City Lights (Billion Dollar DJs Sleep Deprivation Remix)
tight beat! They can also make your own songs.
Billion Dollar DJs - Baby I'm bored
And as a bonus another Billion Dollar DJs mix that can also be a little bit.
Mc Gi - Sai Fora (Billion Dollar DJs Remix)
And here are the usual suspects and important links:
Kovak - Myspace
Billion Dollar DJs - Myspace
MC GI - Myspace
Kovak - Amazon
Billion Dollar DJs - Amazon's is not. look at Beatport . ;)
MC GI - Amazon's not there. Also, look elsewhere.
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