Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Best Cover Up Foundation

Red Bull Air Race

Over the past weekend was held in Abu Dhabi Red Bull Air Race . It is a skill race with special aerobatic aircraft . The pilot must visit from an obstacle course in the shortest possible time, which is marked with special pylons to fly. Here are rules. The blue cones have to be flown horizontally, the red knife-edge. If flown too low the participants will be disqualified. He is flying too high or he damaged a pylon (not dangerous), he is liable to a penalty.

The start gate

Horizontal fly-through

partial view of the course

participants in the knife-

This pylon was cut

TV helicopter
The whole race is recorded from a helicopter. For this, a Swiss company is responsible. The TV is imatrikuliert helicopter in Switzerland (HB-ZJF).


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